We began the year 2019 with #2019ShiningMyLight; a watchword that has Rising guided us through the year so far. This second half of the year 2019, we are led to start a church tour initiative with the name “THE RISING TOUR” as copped from the book of Isaiah 60:2. God revealed to us that it is going to be a season of breaking free, breaking out and breaking through all that has held us captives.
God has given us the mandate to raise a sound that is peculiar to this generation and “The Rising Tour” is one out of many expressions to carry out this mandate.
Moving on we shall visit a couple of churches from July 1st, 2019 to September 30th, 2019 and we believe that lives will be transformed, souls will be saved to the Glory of the father
A lot of young people today are struggling with addictions to sexual immoralities, cyber crimes, malice, unforgiveness, waywardness and much more. We believe that going all out to visit these people will cause transformations in their lives and of course a reconciliation back to Jesus Christ.
See Below Tour Dates, Venues and Time

You’re free to join the tour from where ever you are, in prayers or any form you can. We are Rising.